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After activating the Greatest Thing

Once you have The Greatest Thing up and running in your life, guess what?  Doing the most important thing you could ever possibly in your lifetime is complete!  Guess what the reward for that is?  Now you just get to focus on having as much fun as humanly possible!  Time to love yourself so unconditionally, that you constantly give yourself treats, presents, fun things to do.  Treat yourself like a dog that you love with all your heart and soul!  Unfathomable, infinite, everlasting love.  Your job after implementing The Greatest Thing in your life is just to have fun and to make yourself happy (without causing pain, suffering, or fear in any other beings that is, of course)!!


It's like painting a wall where the wall is all the time associated with your life and pleasure is the paint  Fucking slather the paint on as thick as possible and try to cover every single inch.  If you are going to be alive and experience the ups and downs associated with life on planet Earth, you might as well try to have many ups as humanly possible.

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