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American capitalism sucks

Think of the people who don't have money enough for sufficient food, water, shelter.  Think of the people who are barely scraping by.  They are living like animals.  They are in constant stress and fearing for their lives.


Health care for all?  Think  about the art, creativity, and higher thinking which would be released and created if we all weren't chained to jobs just to ensure our bodies don't die.  Cuz you need healthcare to keep your body and brain healthy and functioning.  And only having a job gives you access to that.  If you don't have insurance and something bad happens, you're likely to die because you can't get care.


There should be universal basic income and free health care.  That's what a compassionate, loving country/society would do.


And when you're Enlightened and you want to share your knowledge and the feeling with as many people as humanly possible, having to do a job just to survive?  It's hard to do because what's the point?  To make and sell widgets?  They don't mean anything.  They're of little use when it comes to trying to achieve the TGT.  Takes up precious time you could be using to love and help people.  To make people feel better; to make them happy.

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