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As an organ, the brain is always thinking

As an organ, the brain is alway thinking.  It's always thinking even when you are not consciously using it.  Those racing thoughts you have that keep you up at night?  That's your brain trying to its job because it thinks you are in danger.  That's why your brain races when you are worrying about something.  You are fantasizing about how some situation will play out in the future.  If you are thinking something negative will unfold, then you trigger fear.  And any fear is mortal fear.  As such, your brain tries to come to the rescue.  It swoops in and starts doing the only thing it can do; think.  Think about the potential consequences of certain outcomes.  Think about how those negative outcomes could be prevented.  "What could I do to stop something bad from happening?  Think, think, think!  There's gotta way to stop it!"  Because your fear is mortal, your brain thinks its saving your life.  And that's why it runs so hard.


Solution?  Imagine/fantasize what would happen if everything went great.  What would be the consequences of that.  What good things could possibly happen.  And it's fantasy so it can be as "good" as you want.  You can keep your positive fantasy small, simple, likely, and possibly achievable.  Or you can go hog wild and imagine an incredible, life changing, awesome, auspicious outcome!  Holy cats!  You're worried you're gonna get fired?  Create a fantasy where you come out on top.  You don't get fired, they wanna promote you, and you become the boss of the company!  What would that fantasy look like?  What would it feel like if that happened?  Let that happen to you in your imagination.  It will feel good and make you happy.  And for that precious instant of the present moment, you'll be happy.  And being happy is the most important thing to do on planet Earth after you've enacted TGT.  Who knows?  Maybe you will get fired.  But that’s something that's going to happen.  It is the future and the future is unknowable.  Anything could happen.  A fucking airliner could lose one of it's engines why flying over your house, and it could crash through the ceiling crushing you.  Killing you.  [Please see the movie Donnie Darko for more details.]  Then there would be no future for you.  There would be no future for you to experience because you don't exist anymore.  All that to say, try to not think about the future.  Anything could happen.  Instead, focus on the exact present moment and do whatever you have to do to be happy, to trigger happiness.  If you can't do it in your head, you can't make yourself fantasize positive things, then do it to your body.  Give it a treat.  Make your body happy.  Whatever that may be.  I recommend looking at pictures of cute baby animals on the Internet.  But you can do whatever you want.  Eat ice cream, take a hot bath, masturbate.  Doesn't matter.  Just do whatever you have to do in that moment to be happy.

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