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Elevating a human being from just being an animal trying to survive

After you supply a human with what it needs to survive (food, water, shelter, safety), you make it possible for that human to be more than just an animal.  Then that human has the space to open its mind to reflection.  That’s when pondering the self and the universe is possible.  It also gives the human space and time to focus on the next pure “animalistic” drive after survival which is seeking pleasure or, more specifically, dopamine squirts.  And there are positive dopamine squirts (happiness, contentment, love) and negative dopamine squirts (hate, selfishness/greed, power).  When you lift humans from the state of just being an animal trying to survive, they then have the space, time, and opportunity to become dopamine addicts (rumor is serotonin is pretty good, too).  "Good" happy people are addicted to/prefer positive dopamine squirts.  "Evil" sad people are addicted to/prefer negative dopamine squirts.


*I* believe the most wonderful, pleasurable thing a being can achieve/experience in their lifetime is the spiritual awakening I started experiencing March, 26 2021.  But that's me.  For someone else, their "ultimate bliss" could be someone completely different.  And that's us talking big, big "ultimate thing ever in the whole world" pleasure.  The same is true for the small, medium, large, and extra large pleasures humans experience.  Sure, sometimes one human finds pleasure in the same thing as another human/humans.  But they can also differ completely.  I like flying kites.  That could be the most unpleasurable thing in the world to someone else.  Instead, something they enjoy is burning kites.  Why would anyone burn kites?  Beats me.  If they are a good person and burning kites brings them positive pleasure, then there must be something very unique and specific to burning kites that gets them off.  Maybe it looks cool or smells a certain way they love.  I have no idea.


After a human has been lifted from the mire of just being an animal trying to stave off death, seeking pleasure becomes the most important life agenda item.  Experiencing pleasure makes humans happy.  Even if you can't or even won't achieve your own, personal, unique, subjective "ultimate bliss" in your lifetime, then at the very absolute least, you should seek out pleasure.  And you should seek it out any whatever fucking form it takes for you.  And you should go big.  Get as much fucking pleasure as often as you fucking can.  Why?  Because then you'll be happy more often.  You'll experience a life with as many pleasurable moments as you possibly can.  It's like painting a wall where the wall is all the time associated with your life and pleasure is the paint  Fucking slather the paint on as thick as possible and try to cover every single inch.  If you are going to be alive and experience the ups and downs associated with life on planet Earth, you might as well try to have many ups as humanly possible.

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