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Even a Buddhist monk agrees with me!

"Hi Matthew,

It looks like you have joyful energy coming out of your ears.  This is a fantastic website.  So thorough and playful. 

It's wonderful that you had a glimpsing experience.  This is the taste of emptiness within the context of the relative, or the context of our usual deluded, striving mind. And yes, the four insights that came out of them for you are direct and true.  Don't push them away, and don't put them on an altar and worship them.  

Such energy and such elation... it can feel like you've found the secret to life.  And of course you have, and it was with you the whole time.  And is with everyone, so there's not so much to proselytize, maybe just some reminding to do of one another, like a close friend telling you there's food stuck between your teeth over dinner. 

I can make time to check in on the 19th at 2:15pm MT if that is open for you.  We are in practice period, and all my usual interview slots have filled out for the month for this reason. 

Now that you've read through so much of the pali canon, maybe try Dogen's Shobogenzo (Kaz Tanahashi's translation).  Lot's of insight and joy there too. 



Guiding Dharma Teacher, name withheld


On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 1:25 AM Matthew Daly <> wrote:

Just to give you some more context, my recent experiences have made me feel so good that I feel almost..."evangelical" about the Three Jewels (the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha).  To the point that I threw together a website where I'm consolidating all the readings I've done from the Pali Canon (A.K.A. The Buddhist Bible) so far.  I think of it as "the greatest hits."  The most important stuff (in my opinion) to read about Buddhism straight from the source.


Lemme know what you think!



On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 12:06 PM Matthew Daly <> wrote:

Hi again!  Would you be available for another Zoom session in the future?  I had yet another "awakening" experience that I'm processing.  Very powerful for me.  Very profound for me.  As a some context, this is what I wrote my Mom about it:


"Update 1/8/2022


While meditating this morning, I glimpsed Nibbana.  It was for a split second.  It felt like my heart stopped.  It was so shocking that I bounced out of my meditation.  It felt like making the jump into hyperspace.  Felt like I was dead.  Felt like I was completely no more.  It was infinite whiteness.  It was everything and yet completely empty.  It was good.  It was safe.  It was timeless.  It was all powerful.  It was awe inspiring.  It was infinite happiness.


The big take aways were these:

  • Everything you think and believe is true.  So think good thoughts.  That will make you happy.

  • All that is subject to arising is subject to cessation.  Everything arises and then passes away.

  • Cessation of thought, feeling, and perception is happiness.

  • Being dead is either like being asleep or Nibbāna. Don't be afraid.


I love you!




Seeking assistance/guidance working through my recent experience.  Any help you can offer is appreciated, but feel no obligation.




Matt Daly"

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