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Everything is a precious, priceless, unique, individual snowflake

Not the derogatory use of "snowflake."  But one of a kind.  No other thing like it in the whole Universe.  Even when they are carbon copies.  Cars.  Sure, cars that are the same specific year, make, and model are "the same."  But not completely the same.  Identical cars; one with VIN number XZY and with VIN ABC.  There are imperceptible differences that make XYZ unique and different than ABC.  Even if it's just at the atomic level.  In fact, the atomic level is a great example.  Does car XYZ have the same exact individual atoms in is as car ABC does?  Nope.  And as such each is its own unique snowflake.  And because each car is different and unique from everything else, it should be loved for being itself.  Celebrate the individuality of car ABC!  It's the only car ABC that has ever and ever will exist in the Universe.  Love it for being so precious, then.  Love it.  Love the individual atoms in it.  They are individual, too.  One atom can't "be" another atom even if they are the same atom.  There are no duplicates in this Universe.  So love everything for being its very own self.

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