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I'm So Lucky

To have learned The Greatest Thing.  To have had this personal spiritual revelation.  It makes me infinitely happy.  It makes me feel so much joy and love that it makes me cry.  Thank you, Universe.  Thank you, Destiny and Fate.  When I think about the people closest to me; my family, friends, coworkers, lovers, you name it; the overwhelming, infinite, priceless, precious, endless, fathomless, unconditional love I feel for them; it makes me so happy I become overwhelmed, I cry tears of joy.  And I have that same type of love for everything in the Universe.  Every atom.  Everything seen and unseen.  Rocks, trees, plants, animals, water, insects, smells, tastes, sounds, emotions, thoughts, ghosts, starlight, Sunlight.  Everything seen and unseen.  Everything corporeal (having a “body.”  Composed of matter in *any* way [“Is it made of atoms?  It is?  Then I fucking love it.  I’ll take 12.”] <Sidebar: Is there anything smaller than atoms?  Quarks or something?  When they say “sub-atomic particles,” what are those things?  Do they have names?  They do?  Well, guess what?  Love those little fuckers, too.  Oh, wait.  Are those just protons, neutrons, and electrons?  Well, duh, of course I love those dudes.  But what makes *them* up?  What are they made of?) and everything the complete opposite; non-corporeal(?) (not having a body.  Not composed of matter in any way [“Is it made of atoms?  It isn’t?  Then I fucking love it.  I’ll take 12.  Know what?  Be good to me and hit me with 13.  Make it a baker’s dozen.  Thanks, pumpkin.  You’re a real doll.”]).  By non-corporeal, I mean ghosts, demons (classic and inner), spirits, feelings, thoughts, and…


“The way you wear your hat

The way you sip your tea...


The way your smile just beams

The way you sing off key...


The way you hold your knife

The way we danced till three...”


All those things; love ‘em.


I so, so much hope, want, desire all beings (but especially you guys cuz yer the closest to me and shhh! therefore I love ya a little bit more than the regular ole schmuck on the street) to feel this feeling I am experiencing because it it feels so good.  It’ll make you feel so happy and loved you won’t know what to do with yourself.  And you’ll then feel love for everything in the Universe, too.  And feeling love for something or someone else feels good!


I also hope, want, desire all beings to feel the way I do and to know the things I know (The Greatest Thing et al) the way I know them (profoundly, deeply, atomically, unshakably) because if you did, you would automatically, without thinking, as if it were second nature, as if it was as natural to you as breathing, because you love them, treat everything and everyone in the world better and with honor and respect.  There would be no war, there would be no hunger.  All would have their basic needs attended to.  And that would make the world such a better place.  It would free up all the beings who are struggling, some struggling so hard just to stay alive and fend off death (struggling like animals) so they wouldn’t have to burn precious time acquiring those things to keep them alive and/or end their struggles; so they could have the time, space, and absence of basic, primal, mortal fear that they can think about themselves and the world around them.  Take in the world.  To reflect on it; to ponder it.  Cuz that would give them the opportunity to be better to the world and the people in it than their time struggling as an animal just to stay alive.  It would give them the space and opportunity to reflect and meditate on their personal relationship to themselves and everything else in the world.  Ideally, that time of reflection and meditation would result in the being realizing they should be a force for good and happiness in the world.


We so need health care for all and universal basic income.  We are literally shooting ourselves in the foot; literally holding ourselves back as a species, because we don’t care for each other enough so that *everyone* has the chance to rise to their full potential.  To be the next Einstein, Hawkings, Sagan, great artist, great thinker, great scientist, great whatever (water ski instructor for God’s sake!).  Because if we did, we’d have so many extra geniuses and talent floating around and they would contribute so much to the human race that we would so very *definitely* have the flying cars they promised us in our youth.  Probably lots of other nice stuff, too, but let's get this flying car thing pounded out already.


I think the above epiphany on wishing all others could feel as good/loved and lovings as I do and that all others knew what I know and how I know it is the second most epiphany I’ve had so far.  The date is March 31, 2021.  It's 5am.

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