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Manifesto critique

“Dear Matt, 


I have enjoyed reading all of your “Manifesto.”  

Congratulations on your Realization. You have clearly expressed it in a beautiful way. [I love the song lyrics.]

There are various “names” for such an experience in the Zen tradition. 

I had a similar dynamic experience many years ago [1979], and some similar, less intense experiences since. 

The main thing I want to say is that such experiences are wonderful, transformative, helpful. However, this experience is not the point or goal of spiritual practice.  The main thing is what you do with it, how you use it to benefit the world, hereafter.  

It is said that such an experience you describe is just the beginning of practice. 

And wanting to share it with others [as you do] is integral to the experience. 


i do not think I disagree with anything you say, though some of it I would say differently.  I want to comment/ amplify on some bits.  For example, your #8 “you are related to everything”.  I might add that every “thing” is alive, and even conscious in ways we cannot understand with our limited human faculties.

I’ll add for #12, "If you can imagine it, then it was real.”  that the great British poet William Blake said, “Anything that can be imagined is an image of the Truth.”

Yay for #18, Universal Healthcare. Anything other is total nonsense/ exploitation.

As for your #19, brain always thinking,  in our zazen upright sitting meditation practice, the point is not to get rid of thoughts.  Even when deeply settled, our brains continue to secrete thoughts, as our stomach continues to secrete digestive juices.

As for your “Overmind” # 20, I would say this differently, in terms of Beyond-thinking, a deeper awareness that includes conventional thinking and its absence, and goes beyond both.   I would add that seeking "to achieve higher levels of consciousness” can be a very dangerous trap. 


In general, I like what you say about having fun, or playing. But the point, as you also say, is just to help others to experience this as well, which is the greatest fun.  Yes we do not control the outcome of our kind actions.


About "enlightenment,” I would say it is not a Thing, and there are no “enlightened beings" exactly either.  But there IS enlightened activity, and enlightened awareness, and the possibility of enlightened society, as you say.  And there are “enlightening beings” (bodhisattvas) who help everyone to wake up. 

As you say at the end, this is a skillful means.  


I love your amoeba practice, and your appreciation of individuals.


So congratulations on your experience, and your cool expression of it. But I want to suggest that you might just be getting started.  


You might consider locating a teacher, or a spiritual friend, and/or a community (sangha) that can help you train yourself to express and activate all this more impactfully. 

Eihei Dogen, the 13th century Japanese founder of our tradition, talks about, "buddha going beyond buddha”.  This is about ongoing awakening.  Awakening is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process, meeting each fresh situation.  


As my busy schedule allows, I would be happy to speak with you further….


Feel free to send question or comments. 


with deep bows and best wishes,”

-Guiding Dharma Teacher, name withheld

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