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The synergy of your physical body and brain

Your mind and how you think about *everything* is both conditioned by experience and by biology.  The space suit made of flesh you pilot?  Guess what?  That brain inside is structured in such a way that it even *thinks* differently from all other brains based on subtle physical differences.  You might never be able to change that.  But neuroplasticity suggests that you can learn and as such learn new ways of thinking.  And that’s how you can change the way you think, the way you behave, how you react to different situations.  Or just learn how to do things (like jet skiing).


And it's not just your brain that's involved.  Your body is, too.  "You" are the synergy of your physical body and brain.  Together, they are what makes you able to experience things and as such, affect the way you perceive reality.


Your body is talking to your brain about every part of your body, giving constant status reports, vitals, even when you are not conscious of that part of your body.  This is happening continuously and subconsciously.  Without you knowing. Bring your attention to that part of your body and now your conscious mind gets involved, too.  Regardless, your body and mind are always talking to each other.


Since they are always talking to each other, they are a single unit merged at the most elemental level.  The physical body and the physical brain (which probably does the bulk of the work to generate your "mind" slash "conscious" [whatever that is]) are one single organism.  As such, they inform each other.  Quite literally, the brain tells the body what to do.  Lift arm.  Lift leg.  Those are very conscious things you think in our brain which then command the body.  But there is a lot of subconscious talking of the brain to the body in order to control it.  Beat heart.  Expand lungs.  Digest food.  Those commands are running from your brain to your body all the time, you're just not conscious of them.  So the brain does a lot to control/"inform" the body.


But it's a two way street.  Your body is in constant communication with your brain.  The conscious manifestation of this, the manifestation you consciously notice and are aware of, are the information coming in from your five senses.  Pan hot.  Sugar sweet.  Fart smelly.  Ocean blue.  Scream loud.  You are conscious of those things.  But again, your body is constantly sending imperceptible messages to your body as well via your subconscious.  I can't think of an example right now, but I assume it's more status report/vital signs information but going from the body to the brain.  The body and brain are one.  That's why you have muscle memory.  That's why emotions can get trapped in your body.  Your body and mind are one unit and as such, everything you experience is processed by the whole unit, both body and mind.  Both are always involved with every experience.  As such, both are always affected.  Sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad ways.  So, sure, love and respect your brain.  It does a lot of shit.  But love and respect your body, too.  It's involved just as much as your brain in your life and how you experience your subjective reality.  It kinda has a mind of its own, too. 

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