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There's no such thing as objective reality

There's no such thing as objective reality.  What each of us experiences as “reality” is processed through our own unique bodies and minds (the body/mind combination being the synergy of the flesh space suit and the brain that pilots it).  As such each of us experiences their own completely unique subjective reality.  Sure, there's plenty of overlap in realities from person to person (we’re all the same species of animal after all), but you have to remember that other people can see the world *completely* differently than you because their body/mind combination is different from yours.  So when you don't understand someone, you probably don't understand their concept of reality which informs their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  It is often hard for them to explain their reality in terms and details that you in your reality can comprehend such that you (kinda) see things the way they see them.  They have to describe what they are experiencing like they are describing the taste of wine; in terms which the other person probably understands and has experienced in the past.  In terms in which the other person probably has a reference point for.  And describing wine is like writing poetry.  The more specific the better. 

I believe the more similar your subjective reality views are, the better you get along with other people and feel a kindred nature, a sense of belonging, and a kind of love.  Those are probably your friends, your family, your lovers.  And that utterly unique concoction/combination of kindred nature, sense of belonging/acceptance, and love?  It's probably similar to your parents’ relationship to you from your childhood.

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