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What happened to me is not the goal

Upon reflection, I do not believe what happened to me, what caused me to author this Manifesto (an extended period of endless, infinite bliss, euphoria, ecstasy, and love triggered by intense insight) is Enlightenment.  I believe Enlightenment is the simplicity of The Greatest Thing and putting it into physical practice in your life.  I believe what I experienced was kinda like a sudden energy surge release when Enlightenment was "turned on" for me.  Now that overwhelming to the point you want to cry and your heart break with love and joy has subsided.  I believe I am still Enlightened, but that Enlightenment is just embracing The Greatest Thing in your heart and then putting it into action in your world.  Apparently I just got lucky and experienced a span of time where I was sky high on it.  It has quieted down now.  It's still with me, but it's quietly humming along in the background.  It's running/cruising gently in my overmind and I use it to influence the thoughts in my regular monkey mind.  I use The Greatest Thing running in my overmind as a touchstone upon which I can "rub" my monkey mind thoughts and see if they are gold or not.  Then I can use The Greatest Thing running in my overmind to manipulate the thoughts in my monkey mind.  To change them from negative to positive, and positive to even more positive.  That is such a gift and a boon to my life.  And the awesome thing is I can still feel that endless, infinite bliss, euphoria, ecstasy, and love if I'm in a quiet, still place and I meditate/ponder/consider how infinite the Universe is.  The fact that I am one with the Universe.  That the Universe loves me unconditionally forever and ever and I love it that same way in return.  That I am especially lucky to receive unconditional love from my friends and family and how lovely that feels inside my heart.  And the love I have for them in return.  Loving things (animate and inanimate) makes you feel happy!  So love as often as possible and love as many things as possible.


All this to say, if you embrace The Greatest Thing and put it into physical action in your life, then you are an Enlightened being.  You are on par with Buddha.  You *are* a Buddha.  How wonderful is that!!


And if you truly embrace The Greatest Thing and put it into physical action in your life, fucking brag about it!  Tell people you are an Enlightened being and why!  Because you you embrace The Greatest Thing and put it into physical action in your life!  Gloat!  Brag!  Feel cocky!  Feel better than others!  Dude.  You're spreading and dispensing love to every atom in the Universe in every form it takes?  Um, you're fucking awesome.  Believe you are awesome and act that way.  And tell people you are.  And don't let them tell you you aren't.  You are awesome and that's that.  If they don't think you are, then they can go fuck themselves.  They obviously get *it.*  Spreading and dispensing love to every atom in the Universe in every form it takes isn't awesome?  Yeah, right, buddy.  Whatever!

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